In Silico, In Vitro, In Vivo: Programming in Processing and in Life at ACADIA 2020
November 10, 2020
Publication on COVID-19 spread in the UK
January 15, 2021Earlier this month HBBE members presented their research during the First International Conference (Online) on Microbial Biotechnology in Construction Materials and Geotechnical Engineering (MBCMG2020).
The aim of the conference was to bring together the leading experts in these fields from around the world to present the recent achievements, share the latest developments and address the challenges on the related issues of microbial biotechnology in construction materials and geotechnical engineering.
Prof. Martyn Dade-Robertson gave a keynote speech on the first day of the conference that highlighted the research being conducted under the Living Construction theme.
Dr Meng Zhang (invited speech): Thinking Soils: engineered bacteria as computation agents in the design and manufacturing of new materials and structures.
Thora H Arnardottir: Bacterial choreography: Designing interactions through biological induced mineralisation.
Jamie Haystead: The investigation of microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation for soil improvement.
Sunbin Lee: Designer bacterial cellulose: Bioprocess development for architectural manufacturing.
Emily Birch: Bioactive origami for responsive architecture.