The Living Room: New expressions of biohybrid textile architecture

Adaptability of space habitats using the Rhythmic Buildings strategy
January 26, 2025

How can the intersection of textile practices, biofabrication, and computation disrupt industrial construction processes to deliver scalable solutions for regenerative architecture? Materialised through a textile logic, this research presents a multi-scalar system where the microscale growth of fungal mycelium is structured by permanent knitted textile formwork to support macroscale biofabrication. The outcome is the ability to grow biohybrid textile architecture from a composite of mycelium, wool, sawdust, and cellulose fibres, sourced from local industrial waste streams.

Scott, J., Bridgens, B., Ozkan, D., & Kaiser, R. (2024). The living room: new expressions of biohybrid textile architecture. In P. Ayres, M. R. Thomsen, B. Sheil, & M. Skavara (Eds.), Fabricate 2024 (pp. 32-39). UCL Press.