Multiscale Nano-Engineered Surfaces with Tailored Functional Properties
August 2, 2020
Developing enzyme & probiotic applications that make households more environmentally friendly.
August 17, 2020Our Micro Bio Design lab is situated in the Ellison Building at Northumbria University. The research lab facilitates the analysis and fabrication of biological systems and materials at multiple scales. From the minutia of biomolecules, up to the size and complexity of buildings. Soon the HBBE will also be equipped with state-of-the-art fabrication and materials testing facilities enabling us to scale up our biological technologies. Situated in the same building, the HBBE also has instant access to a University Multi-Omics lab capable of advanced comprehensive analyses in line with the world’s leading scientific groups. Installed and operational in this lab are two cutting-edge DNA sequencers, the Illumina Nextseq® 550 System and the Oxford NanoPore® GridION, as well as a contemporary mass spectrometer, the Thermo Scientific Orbitrap ID-X™ used for small molecule analyses. Over on the Newcastle University campus planning permission has been obtained for our unique experimental prototype living home, known as the OME. The OME is a dynamic building and will become a future flagship of the HBBE where our interdisciplinary research will be undertaken, translated and tested inside. |