09.00 - 10.00 Optional HBBE Facilites Tour. On-site only.
10.00 - 13.00 PhD Forum
The PhD Forum takes place Friday the 14th of October as a hybrid event. It consists of presentations by PhD Candidates and Early Career Researchers in the Living Textiles field followed by feedback and discussion with an expert panel.
10.00 - 13.00 PhD Forum
The PhD Forum takes place Friday the 14th of October as a hybrid event. It consists of presentations by PhD Candidates and Early Career Researchers in the Living Textiles field followed by feedback and discussion with an expert panel.

Monica Hartvigsen
Co-crafting biocolours and materials
Design School Kolding
E-mail: mlh@dskd.dk
Monica Hartvigsen holds an MA in textile Design from the Royal Danish Academy. She is currently a PhD-fellow at Design School Kolding in Denmark researching bacterial coloring for textile fiber application. In addition, she holds a bachelor in molecular biology, combing past and present knowledge in her PhD project.
Design School Kolding
E-mail: mlh@dskd.dk
Monica Hartvigsen holds an MA in textile Design from the Royal Danish Academy. She is currently a PhD-fellow at Design School Kolding in Denmark researching bacterial coloring for textile fiber application. In addition, she holds a bachelor in molecular biology, combing past and present knowledge in her PhD project.

Mariana Laranjeira
Surface Design - Textile Craft Practices with Living Biomaterials
Sao Paulo State University
E-Mail: mariana.laranjeira@unesp.br
Mariana Laranjeira is a designer and researcher with focus on Surface Design. She is a PhD Candidate at Sao Paulo State University on the Product Design Program. Her research interest is in the intersection of textile techniques and processes with biomaterials, investigating crafting approaches with materials from bacterial cellulose.
Sao Paulo State University
E-Mail: mariana.laranjeira@unesp.br
Mariana Laranjeira is a designer and researcher with focus on Surface Design. She is a PhD Candidate at Sao Paulo State University on the Product Design Program. Her research interest is in the intersection of textile techniques and processes with biomaterials, investigating crafting approaches with materials from bacterial cellulose.

Jennifer Dranttel
Portable Dwellings, Transitional Structures, and Developing New Bio-material Textile Hybrids to Improve Life in Ulaanbaatar’s Short-Term Future
E-Mail: jennifer@jenniferdranttel.com
I received my undergraduate degree in Architecture from the University of Colorado in 2002, then spent over a decade as a professionally-exhibiting fine artist before earning my MFA in Fibers from Savannah College of Art & Design in 2017. My PhD project was inspired by two years teaching at the British School of Ulaanbaatar Mongolia (2018-2020), where I began STEAM workshops for students in underserved schools and working on design-based solutions to the issues of air pollution, waste mismanagement, and cultural flux facing the city.
E-Mail: jennifer@jenniferdranttel.com
I received my undergraduate degree in Architecture from the University of Colorado in 2002, then spent over a decade as a professionally-exhibiting fine artist before earning my MFA in Fibers from Savannah College of Art & Design in 2017. My PhD project was inspired by two years teaching at the British School of Ulaanbaatar Mongolia (2018-2020), where I began STEAM workshops for students in underserved schools and working on design-based solutions to the issues of air pollution, waste mismanagement, and cultural flux facing the city.

Sara Ghanbarzadeh Ghomi
Living-TransForming Disaster Relief Shelter: An Approach Towards Effective Post-Disaster Shelter Provision
Northumbria University, Newcastle
E-mail: sara.ghomi@northumbria.ac.uk
Sarahs has an undergraduate and master’s degree in architecture with a focus on post-disaster shelter design at IUST university, together with her interest in Biodesign, provoked her to travel to the UK to do a PhD research in the Northumbria university for the integration of living textiles in disaster-relief shelters.
Northumbria University, Newcastle
E-mail: sara.ghomi@northumbria.ac.uk
Sarahs has an undergraduate and master’s degree in architecture with a focus on post-disaster shelter design at IUST university, together with her interest in Biodesign, provoked her to travel to the UK to do a PhD research in the Northumbria university for the integration of living textiles in disaster-relief shelters.

Nikoletta Karastathi
Sympoietic Eco-Plexis : a post-digital approach towards ecologically- crafted textile architectures.
The Barlett, UCL London
E-Mail: n.karastathi.17@ucl.ac.uk
Nikoletta is an architect, PhD Candidate, and Lecturer at The Bartlett. She has a diverse background, working in the industry as a practicing architect and in academia as tutor at Bristol, Cardiff, Newcastle, and Edinburgh. Her work has been exhibited at the London Design Festival, Dutch Design Week, Lakeside Arts Gallery, and the Baltic. Her key interests lie in architecture, textiles, computation, and material programmability.
The Barlett, UCL London
E-Mail: n.karastathi.17@ucl.ac.uk
Nikoletta is an architect, PhD Candidate, and Lecturer at The Bartlett. She has a diverse background, working in the industry as a practicing architect and in academia as tutor at Bristol, Cardiff, Newcastle, and Edinburgh. Her work has been exhibited at the London Design Festival, Dutch Design Week, Lakeside Arts Gallery, and the Baltic. Her key interests lie in architecture, textiles, computation, and material programmability.

Annah-Ololade Sangosanya
The Purhyphae Project
E-Mail: annahololade.sangosanya@gmail.com
After completing her master’s degree in biological engineering, Annah-Ololade continued her studies in textile design, innovation and digital fabrication at Fabricademy where she explored ways of producing sustainable textiles. She is now specialized in mycelium materials and culture, biomaterials and 3D design.
E-Mail: annahololade.sangosanya@gmail.com
After completing her master’s degree in biological engineering, Annah-Ololade continued her studies in textile design, innovation and digital fabrication at Fabricademy where she explored ways of producing sustainable textiles. She is now specialized in mycelium materials and culture, biomaterials and 3D design.

Louise Permiin
Sensory engagements with nonhuman stakeholders in a design process.
Design School Kolding
E-Mail: lpj@dskd.dk
Louise Permiin Tønder Jensen is a current practice-based Ph.D.-student at Designschool Kolding in the lab for sustainability and design. Her work uses research through design to explore future scenarios for regenerative systems and -tools, explored in textile dye productions of woad. Louise is currently based in Copenhagen, DK.
Design School Kolding
E-Mail: lpj@dskd.dk
Louise Permiin Tønder Jensen is a current practice-based Ph.D.-student at Designschool Kolding in the lab for sustainability and design. Her work uses research through design to explore future scenarios for regenerative systems and -tools, explored in textile dye productions of woad. Louise is currently based in Copenhagen, DK.

Kathryn Walters
Transformative woven textiles
Swedish School of Textiles
E-Mail: kathryn.walters@hb.se
Kathryn Walters is a PhD researcher in Textile Design at the Swedish School of Textiles. Her research investigates transformative textiles developing three-dimensional form. She explores emergent behaviour arising from the combination of material properties and textile structures, where textiles are seen as systems with responsive properties.
Swedish School of Textiles
E-Mail: kathryn.walters@hb.se
Kathryn Walters is a PhD researcher in Textile Design at the Swedish School of Textiles. Her research investigates transformative textiles developing three-dimensional form. She explores emergent behaviour arising from the combination of material properties and textile structures, where textiles are seen as systems with responsive properties.

Petra Garajová
States of Matter
E-mail: pgarajova.lab@gmail.com
Petra is a Slovak designer exploring the boundaries of material science, digital manufacturing and innovation based in Barcelona. The better understanding of materials and new technologies led her to Fabricademy where she started working on her material research. Nowadays, she is a co-founder of p2.lab - Experimental Design platform.
E-mail: pgarajova.lab@gmail.com
Petra is a Slovak designer exploring the boundaries of material science, digital manufacturing and innovation based in Barcelona. The better understanding of materials and new technologies led her to Fabricademy where she started working on her material research. Nowadays, she is a co-founder of p2.lab - Experimental Design platform.

Natalia Piorecka
MYCOllullose: Fabricating biohybrid material system with mycelium-based composites and bacterial cellulose
MArch Bio-Integrated Design, UCL, London
E-Mail: nati.piorecka@gmail.com
Natalia Piórecka is a multidisciplinary designer looking at the opportunities in blurring the lines between nature and design. She holds a BA degree in Architecture from Newcastle University, UK and continues her study at the MArch Bio-Integrated Design at the Bartlett, UCL. Recently her work focuses on working with mycelium through the means of Experimental Architecture, embodying her passion for Biology and seeking solutions that promote collaboration with nature integrating scientific research and material study.
MArch Bio-Integrated Design, UCL, London
E-Mail: nati.piorecka@gmail.com
Natalia Piórecka is a multidisciplinary designer looking at the opportunities in blurring the lines between nature and design. She holds a BA degree in Architecture from Newcastle University, UK and continues her study at the MArch Bio-Integrated Design at the Bartlett, UCL. Recently her work focuses on working with mycelium through the means of Experimental Architecture, embodying her passion for Biology and seeking solutions that promote collaboration with nature integrating scientific research and material study.

Aditya Mandlik
UMEA University, Sweden
E-Mail: adityamandlik.kaa@gmail.com
Aditya Mandlik is an architect and designer based in Mumbai, India, working at the intersections of material and urban research and architectural design. He received his Master’s from the Institute For Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona in 2021 and is currently a visiting faculty at UMEA University, Sweden.
UMEA University, Sweden
E-Mail: adityamandlik.kaa@gmail.com
Aditya Mandlik is an architect and designer based in Mumbai, India, working at the intersections of material and urban research and architectural design. He received his Master’s from the Institute For Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Barcelona in 2021 and is currently a visiting faculty at UMEA University, Sweden.

Nicholas Rapagnani
The Growing Sneakers: merging footwear design with the realm of fungi
Free University of Bozen Bolzano
E-Mail: rapagnani.nicholas@gmail.com
Nicholas Rapagnani is a designer, researcher and networker focusing on the future bio-revolution of footwear, materials and manufacturing innovation, and 3D printing. He experiments at the contact zone between design and microbiology practices, bringing actual sustainable changes in products’ life cycles design through a multidisciplinary and creative approach to projects
Free University of Bozen Bolzano
E-Mail: rapagnani.nicholas@gmail.com
Nicholas Rapagnani is a designer, researcher and networker focusing on the future bio-revolution of footwear, materials and manufacturing innovation, and 3D printing. He experiments at the contact zone between design and microbiology practices, bringing actual sustainable changes in products’ life cycles design through a multidisciplinary and creative approach to projects