Dr Shafeer Kalathil
Vice-Chancellor's Fellow
I am a Microbial Electrochemist interested in the applications of electric bacteria to produce either electricity from wastewater or value-added products from waste-carbon. I have an MSc in Chemistry and, a PhD in Chemical Engineering (2013) with a research focus on Microbial Fuel Cells and Photocatalysis. After my PhD, I moved to the University of Tokyo as a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellow. During my JSPS tenure, I investigated the fundamental mechanism involved in bacterial extracellular electron transfer by taking Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as the model bacterium. After my JSPS tenure, I joined at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) as a Postdoctoral Fellow. The research at KAUST was mainly on bioinspired synthesis of graphene and metal oxides using bacterium Geobacter sulfurreducens (the highest electricity producing bacterium till date) for water oxidation catalysis. After winning Marie Curie Individual Fellowship, I joined at Dept. of Chemistry, the University Cambridge as a Senior Postdoctoral Fellow. The Marie Curie research was mainly on artificial microbial photosynthesis to produce high-value chemical/fuels directly from carbon dioxide by mimicking natural photosynthesis. I have published 28 international peer-reviewed publications (e.g. PNAS, JACS, Advanced Materials and Chemistry of Materials) with an h-index of 17 (total citations: 1428, adapted from google scholar), two book chapters and ten patents to my credit. Currently, I am serving as a Reviewer Panel Member of Journals RSC Advances and Frontiers in Microbiology. Also, I am a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC) and Society for Applied Microbiology.
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March 25, 2020
On behalf of the HBBE team welcome to the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment. Over the next three years we will be building a […]