‘Volteria was designed with symbiosis at its core.’

Bacteria and humankind rely on each other to coexist harmoniously. With bacteria as a sole power source, it was important for us to determine exactly how Volteria could operate from the individual dwelling to the city as a whole.

The interaction we have with energy sources is very one dimensional. We flick a switch and light appears. There is no knowledge or consideration as to where that energy has come from and what the true cost of powering our lives has become. Expecting instant results has become second nature and, in that respect, we have become spoiled and ignorant to the results of our actions. For this reason, it was paramount to us that the interactivity between humankind and the energy source was highlighted as great importance within Volteria. Every surface within the city has electrical potential but is only used as and when it is needed through human interaction.

What makes Volteria a success is that, unlike Earth, the health and wellbeing of the bacteria is directly correlated to the efficiency of the power produced. It becomes in humankinds’ best interest to care for and nourish the energy source that sustains their world. Capitalising on symbiosis, Volteria is representative of the notion that there is no longer a need to extort and destroy natural resources but instead thrive together.