This site is listing the current and past events initiated in collaboration with or by the HBBE.
Upcoming - Save the date!
Exploring the intersection of biotechnology and design, this exhibition showcases the Living Construction Group’s work on microbial minerals to develop sustainable materials and techniques for the built environment.
Join us for guided tours of the innovative exhibition on building the future with microbial minerals at the OME, available from March 20nd – 28th [22nd Launch day] .
Location: The OME, Devonshire Terrace, Newcastle University, NE1 7RU, UK
Happening now!
BioKnit Prototype displayed in the London Design Museum as part of the Future Observatory display
Knitting the Future of Architecture using Fungal Mycelium - An arch made from fungal mycelium grown within 3D knitted fabric formwork, is on display at the Design Museum, London
Date: 20.11.2023 - August 2024
Location: Second Floor, Future Observatory, London Design Museum, Free Display
Location: Second Floor, Future Observatory, London Design Museum, Free Display
Past Events
The Bacterial Cellulose Collaborative Summer School
Date: 31 July-4 August 2023
Location: Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE), Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne
Deadline for submission of interest: 30th May 2023
To apply please fill out the form HERE!
Inaugural Meeting of the Viruses of Microbes-UK (VoM-UK)
January 26th - 27th, 2023 - Northumbria University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK)Hosted by Northumbria University, in collaboration with the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE),Newcastle University, UK
Registration is now closed.
The aim of the meeting is to be a way of bringing the UK Viruses of Microbes community together, focussed at supporting the development of early careers researchers and allowing discussion and collaboration between group leads to try to consolidate a VoM network across the UK.
Living Textile Architectures - ArcInTex Symposium
Towards Multi-Species, Multi-Scale Interaction
October 12th - 14th, 2022 - Newcastle-upon-Tyne (UK)Hosted by the Living Textiles Research Group, Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE),Newcastle University, UK This three-day event did bring the ArcInTex community together in Newcastle to share ideas and discuss new and emerging research. The event comprised a two-day single-track symposium, keynote discussions, a dedicated PhD forum, and a showcase event to exhibit artefacts and design work during the symposium. Please see the Living Textile Architectures webpage for more information.

I.N.S.E.C.T. SUMMERCAMP - Mycology for Architecture
The I.N.S.E.C.T. SUMMERCAMP PHASE-1 // INTERSPECIES EXPLORATION BY BIO-DIGITAL MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES took place on the 1-10 August 2022 at The OME, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and was funded by Connected Everything and the HBBE. An experimental multi-species habitat was designed and installed using clay 3D printing, mycelium and textiles. The primary focus of the workshop was to the experimentation on probiotic buildings for insects and microbial populations in the immediate environment. Strategies to monitor the 3D printed architecture's response to environmental changes and multi species interactions, particularly fungi and insects, were investigated. More information about the workshop and the Mycology for Architecture initiative can be found here.
10th UK Solar Fuels Symposium 2022
The 10th UK Solar Fuel Symposium on the 14th and 15th of July 2022 was hosted this year by Northumbria University, in collaboration with the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment in the city of Newcastle and organised by Dr Shafeer Kalathilat.The SFN team warmly welcomed all its members to the 10th annual SFN Symposium. The aim of this forum was to provide a congenial setting for SFN members to meet up and discuss the latest advances in the field of solar-driven fuels research. This was an excellent opportunity to re-connect and interact with Solar Fuels researchers in the UK.
More information about the Symposium and future Network meetings can be found here.
Bio-Futures for Transplanetary Habitats - Network Symposium 2022
Bio-Futures for Transplanetary Habitats (BFfTH) is a Special Interest Group that aims to explore and enable interdisciplinary research on transplanetary habitats and habitats within extreme environments through an emphasis on the bio-social and biotechnological relations. More information about the Symposium and future Network meetings can be found here.Biotechnology for the Built Environment - Annual Summit 2021
In July 2021 The Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) successfully delivered their first Annual Summit – BBE21. This was a free, online, four day event which hosted international speakers who are all leaders in biotechnology, design and other fields related to the built environment. In addition, BBE21 showcased some of the early work and research emerging from the HBBE.The Summit was organised around the HBBE’s four HBBE research themes - Microbial Environments, Living Construction, Building Metabolism and Responsible Interactions – together addressing questions of how biotechnology may help construct more sustainable, ecological and liveable environments.
More information can be found on the BBE21 Event Page.
Biodesign Challenge 2021
Biodesign Challenge 2021 The Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) was participating successfully with undergraduate and post-graduate students in the 2021 Biodesign Challenge. Biodesign Challenge (BDC) is an education program and a student competition that is shaping a new generation of biodesigners. It is a global competition which has projects that range from speculative to actual implementations visualised through models and functional prototypes. The BDC partners students with scientists, artists, and designers and encourages them to envision future applications of biology in design.More information can be found on Biodesign Challenge Project Page.
Biodesign Symposium 2020
Biodesign Challenge (BDC) and the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) were holding an online symposium on November 11, 2020 to further the biodesign community in Europe. We hope to create a networked regional body that brings together practitioners, research institutions, and students to explore, share resources, and discuss teaching techniques. To kick off the network, we were inviting speakers from across Europe to discuss their perspectives on biodesign. Also included have been short talks by BDC alumni about their projects and their design processes. The event was acting as a catalyst for subsequent workshops that have taken place in December 2021.More information can be found on the Biodesign Symposium Page.
Biodesign Challenge 2020
Biodesign Challenge is an education program and a student competition that is shaping a new generation of biodesigners. The BDC partners students with scientists, artists, and designers and encourages them to envision future applications of biology in design. It is an international competition which has projects that range from speculative to actual implementations visualised through models and functional prototypes. The Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment (HBBE) was participating successfully with several student teams in the 2020 Biodesign Challenge. Our Biodesign Challenge module was running between Newcastle University and Northumbria university as part of the Hub for Biotechnology in the Built Environment. The programme was intended to be an extracurricular activity supported by and mentored by the HBBE in design and biology and is open to students from Design, Science and Engineering backgrounds supported by PhD students and Post-Doctoral researchers across Architectural Design, Microbiology and Synthetic Biology.More information can be found on the BioDesgin Challenge 2020 Page.