The concept of a ‘biodwelling’ might seem like science fiction, yet the idea of self-healing, breathing walls and living scaffolds is oozing into our present and is closer to home than one may think.
BioDwelling is an arts-led project, initiated by social scientist and NUAcT Fellow, Dr Carmen Macleod and led by artist and researcher, Dr Louise Mackenzie.
BioDwelling explores the future of biotechnological innovation in the built environment through exploring the questions that arise when we begin to engineer multispecies dwelling spaces. What kinds of care do living biological materials require? What role does responsibility play in making and living with biotechnological materials? What are the challenges in attempting to create living buildings for both human and ecological health and wellbeing?
BioDwelling develops methods rooted in participatory arts to enable knowledge exchange and co-created artworks. A series of launch events and participatory workshops led to the development of the BioDwelling Network and the formation of three co-created projects that begin to explore our relationship with living biotechnological materials in the built environment. This first phase of the BioDwelling project was concluded with an exhibition at the HBBE's experimental home studio, The OME in March 2023.

Listen with Mother?
The concept of the ‘mother’ in kombucha making practices is subverted as a provocation for examining relationships of care (or otherwise) in working with biological materials.
Shit Happens!
Our phobias and philias in relation to human waste are visited through interview and workshops to question whether our growing detachment from bodily material has more fundamental socio-political implications.
Myth, ritual and brewing practices are introduced to provoke discussion around the differences between institutional science and lay expertise.

BioDwelling Community
Louise Mackenzie (Project Lead)
Carmen McLeod (NUaCT Fellow)
Kaajal Modi
Gregory Young
John Allan
Roxana Caplan
Iulianiya Grigoryeva
Participating Artists
Sneha Solanki
Hazel Brill
Katie Pollard
George Stewart
Jim Spendlove
Oliver Perry
BioDwelling Community Members
BioDwelling Supporters