Save the date – BIOPROTOPIA Book Launch
May 2, 2023
Dormant Fungi can repair itself! Fungal Engineered Living Materials: The Viability of Pure Mycelium Materials with Self-Healing Functionalities
May 19, 2023
We are inviting skilled practitioners to participate in the design and post-growth experimentation and testing of bacterial cellulose, which will inform the ongoing development of a biomaterial prototype for the OME. During the workshop, we will provide insight into the expertise and research of the HBBE in designing and growing living materials for the built environment, alongside min introductions to such skills as digital fabrication, additive manufacturing, parametric design, textile design, and testing.
The workshop will focus on exploring bacterial cellulose (produced from SCOBY- Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) and discovering different methods that can be utilised during the intermediate stage between the production and application of BC. An array of post-production treatments and manipulative processes will be trialled with wet and dry Bacteria Cellulose. Participants will also be supported to integrate other systems such as smart textiles, customized digital systems, or monitoring systems that enhance material interaction. We will also experiment with various physical interventions on the material, such as blending, laser cutting, or magnetization.
Participants will leave the workshop having gained an intimate and practical working knowledge of Bacterial Cellulose a shared experience of testing and manipulating the material’s unique properties, an array of ideas for future applications and a network to support future collaborations.
The participation is free of charge but unfortunately, we will accept only 9 applicants.
The workshop will focus on exploring bacterial cellulose (produced from SCOBY- Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) and discovering different methods that can be utilised during the intermediate stage between the production and application of BC. An array of post-production treatments and manipulative processes will be trialled with wet and dry Bacteria Cellulose. Participants will also be supported to integrate other systems such as smart textiles, customized digital systems, or monitoring systems that enhance material interaction. We will also experiment with various physical interventions on the material, such as blending, laser cutting, or magnetization.
Participants will leave the workshop having gained an intimate and practical working knowledge of Bacterial Cellulose a shared experience of testing and manipulating the material’s unique properties, an array of ideas for future applications and a network to support future collaborations.
The participation is free of charge but unfortunately, we will accept only 9 applicants.
Learn more about the content and team of the Summer School here!