Ruth Morrow
Professor of Biological Architecture
Ruth is Professor of Biological Architecture. Her research, which is largely practice-based, encompasses both the material, the social and the ecological. It is driven by an inclusive, feminist ethos and uses tactics of creativity, collaboration and critical reflection. She has extensive experience in developing material ideas from concept through to commercialisation, resulting in international funding, design awards, exhibitions and citations. She is an avid learner and most content when learning with others. In her role at the HBBE Ruth will explore all the emerging territories of Biological Architecture, contributing to this new area of knowledge and its application. Expect prototypes and poetry!
June 6, 2023
Published: 06 Jun 2023 Designing with living materials: thoughts on the paradigm shift and an overview of the state of research What is “Bioprotopia”? It is a […]
May 17, 2023
May 2, 2023