Knit-Mycelium Hybrids: Textile Design Strategies for Biofabrication Systems Based on Mycocrete Injection in 3D Knitted Tubular Formworks
August 21, 2024
The Living Room: Knitting as a Strategy to Redefine the Architectural Possibilities of Mycelium Biofabrication in the Built Environment
November 26, 2024
Bacteria-Driven Form Exploration through Aeration Scaffolding

This research investigates an approach into co-designing with cellulose-producing bacteria to explore its morphogenetic tendencies in order to create intricate 3-dimensional forms. This paper looks at a fabrication approach that diverges from conventional BC material production towards form-finding by creating explorative methods that guide BC formation through the control of airflow. We present an experimental workflow with a bacteria and yeast that employs a strategy to identify parameters for guiding the morphological development of BC.

Hoenerloh, A., Arnardottir, T., Bridgens, B., & Dade-Robertson, M. (2023). Living Morphogenesis: Bacteria-Driven Form Exploration through Aeration ScaffoldingACADIA 2023: Habits of the Anthropocene